Adoption of Framework agreement on inclusive labour markets

Prolongation of the 3rd working programme for a period of one year (covering 2011)


3rd multi-annual work programme (2009-2010)

1st revision of a framework agreement (parental leave agreement), incorporated into Directive 2010/18/EU of 8 March 2010

Institutionalisation of the Tripartite social summit for growth and employment in the Lisbon Treaty (Art. 152 TFEU)

2006Second multi-annual work programme (2006–2008) of the European social partners
200220 years of European social dialogue
2003First tripartite social summit for growth and employment

  • Failure of the negotiations on temporary agency work
  • Adoption of the first autonomous multi-annual work programme (2003–2005) of the European social partners
  • Adoption of the telework agreement (first framework agreement to be implemented by the social partners within the national context)
1997The agreement was incorporated in the EC Treaty in Amsterdam (Article 138 and 139, now articles 154-155 TFEU).
19951st ever concluded framework agreement on parental leave – incorporated into Directive 96/34/EC of 3 June 1996

UNICE, ETUC and CEEP adopted a joint agreement calling for:

  • mandatory consultation of the EU social partners on Commission proposals in the area of social affairs, and
  • an option for negotiation between social partners to lead to framework agreements.

This agreement was first enshrined in the Agreement on Social Policy, annexed to the Maastricht Treaty.


“Val Duchess” process: launch of the bipartite dialogue on the initiative of Jacques Delors (former president of the European Commission).

The social partners start the adoption of joint opinions