This section features a collection of legislative acts providing information, consultation or participation rights for workers and their representatives. For some of the Acts, we provide national transpositions.
Video: How to find legislation on the ETUI worker-participation.eu website
More than 40 EU directives provide for workers' information and consultation rights of some kind (see Palette of Workers' Participation Rights). The directives are a clear expression of the willingness at European level to make employees citizens in their workplace. This is also mirrored in the EU Charter of fundamental rights (the Lisbon Treaty) which gives information and consultation rights the status of a basic right of European citizens (see Worker Participation and the Lisbon goals).
See also:
- workers' rights in the European Pillar of Social Rights;
The idea of workers' information, consultation and participation has slowly evolved into a more encompassing concept of democracy at work. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) gave expression to this evolution as "part of a broader approach for a more Social Europe which is urgently needed." (see ETUC 2020 publication and video).
Information about relevant regulation can be found here:
- Directive for a general framework for informing and consulting employees (Directive 2002/14/EC)
- Transposition of Framework Directive for informing and consulting employees (Directive 2002/14/EC)
See also:
European Works Councils legislation and regulation
You can also find all the national transposition acts of the EU Directive 2009/38/EC on the EWC database in original languages and an English translation (automated).
European Company (SE) legislation
- EU legislation on the European Company (SE)
- National transposition
- European Company (SE) national transposition laws
- Analysis of the SE transposition
- Archive on monitoring the national transposition of the SE Directive in 2004-2005
See also:
- the history of the (failed) legislative initiative on the European Private Company (SPE)
European Cooperative Society (SCE) legislation and regulation
- EU level
- SCE transpositions
- National transposition: European Cooperative Society (SCE)
- Transpositions by country
Board-level Employee Representation legislation and regulation
- National-level
- EU law about Board-level Employee Representation
- Board-level Employee Representation: EU law (European Company (SE), European Cooperative Society (SCE) and Cross-Border Company Mergers Directives)
- European Company (SE) national transposition laws
- European Cooperative Society (SCE) Directive national transposition table (as of 8 November 2023)
- Cross-border mergers, Company law and Cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions Directives national transposition table (as of 8 November 2023)
Corporate Governance and Company Law Legislation and Regulation
- Codification of individual EU company law directives
- Company law package
- Sustainability-related company law
- EU legal forms
- Takeover bids
- Transparency
- Insolvency
See also:
- Parker, J. (2024). Confidentiality of information and worker participation: Comparative and selected country handbook. Brussels: ETUI.
Sustainability and Worker Participation legislation and regulation
European Commission website on sustainability and the European Green Deal
- European Commission. (2019). Communication on The European Green Deal COM/2019/640 final
- Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) - Directive (EU) 2022/2464
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2772 as regards sustainability reporting standards
- Directive (EU) 2024/1760 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 on corporate sustainability due diligence
- Regulation (EU) 2020/852 on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment
European Social Dialogue legislation and regulation
- Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) Article 154
- Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) Article 155
Case law and jurisprudence
We provide access to case law and jurisprudence related to selected directives (i.e. European Works Council Directive, Company law, and the European Company (SE)) Directive).
- Jurisprudence for European Works Councils and SE works council section
- Overview of EJC jurisprudence on the transfer of company seat section
- Jurisprudence for European Social Dialogue section
- Jurisprudence for Board Level Employee Representation section