Each year the European Workers' Participation Competence Centre (a transversal platform within the European Trade Union Institute) organises a conference for worker representatives from all over Europe to exchange experiences, knowledge and skills necessary for worker representatives active in transnational settings and roles.
This year's main theme is 'Building Bridges: combining information, consultation and board-level employee representation in European multinationals'. In other words, the conference focuses on the articulation, i.e. linking between various levels of information and consultation.
The Conference can be followed under the #EWPCC16 .
Day one was opened by Peter Scherrer, the ETUC Deuputy General Secretary followed by panel discussions with and by practitioners on various aspects of the linking between various levels of information and consultation.
Day two features parallel workshops and working grpous on communication patterns around EWC/SE-WC, board level employee representation models and rights, an ETUC proposal for integrated architecture of employee involvement and, finally on the law and practice on linking EWC with local/national level of information and consultation.