The “furniture” sectoral social dialogue has resulted, since 2001, in the adoption of 7 joint texts.






02/10/2007Joint declaration of UEA, EFFIC and EFBWW on the extension of the social dialogue in the enlargement countriesEnlargementDeclarationNational organisations
02/10/2007Joint declaration of UEA, EFIC and EFBWW on the accident reduction in the furniture industryHealth and safetyDeclarationNational organisations
02/10/2007Joint declaration of UEA, EFIC and EFBWW on the training and education in the furniture industry and on the perception of young people on working in the furniture industryTrainingDeclarationNational organisations
19/12/2006Joint declaration of UEA, EFIC and EFBWW on the extension of the social dialogue in the enlargement countriesEnlargementDeclarationEuropean social partners
07/02/2004Joint declaration of UEA and EFBWW on the social dialogue in the enlargement countriesEnlargementJoint opinionEuropean institutions
06/07/2002Joint declaration by the European social partners of the furniture sector on the enlargement at the occasion of their conference on the enlargement held in Budapest on 5-6 July 2002EnlargementJoint opinionEuropean institutions
12/03/2001Rules of procedure of the dialogue committee in the furniture sectorSocial dialogueRules of procedureEuropean social partners
Folder Sources

Sectoral Social Dialogue Factsheets