The “hospitals” sectoral social dialogue has resulted, since 2000, in the adoption of 7 joint texts.







17/07/2009Implementing the Framework Agreement on prevention from sharp injuries in the hospital and healthcare sector concluded by HOSPEEM and EPSUHealth and safetyAgreementEuropean institutions
7/04/2008EPSU-HOSPEEM code of conduct and follow up on Ethical Cross-Border Recruitment and Retention in the Hospital SectorWorking conditionsRecommendationNational organisations
14/11/2007Joint declaration on health servicesEconomic and/or sectoral policiesJoint opinionEuropean institutions
20/09/2006European Social Dialogue Committee of the Hospital sector Inaugural meetingSocial dialogueRules of procedureEuropean social partners

Declaration on the second conference on social dialogue in the hospital sector

Brussels, 4 - 5 February 2002

Social dialogueDeclarationEuropean social partners
13/05/2000Conference on the social dialogue in the hospital sector in Europe - Brussels 12-13 May 2000 Follow-up and conclusions from workshopsSocial dialogueDeclarationEuropean social partners
01/02/2000Creation of website (social dialogue)Social dialogueToolNational organisations
Folder Sources

Sectoral Social Dialogue Factsheets