Board-level employee representation: National laws and other instruments

This repository of legislations was gathered in 2017. The ETUI provides excerpt of legal texts and their translations for informative purposes, they do not have legal value and are not necessarily the latest consolidated version.

We would appreciate if you could help us keep this repository updated for the use of researchers and practitioners across Europe.

CountryLegal act (national level)

AT - ArbVG (Arbeitsverfassungsgesetz) BLER in § 110 - en.docx 34.12 kB

AT - ArbVG, Fassung vom 21.04.2021 - ori de.pdf 731.25 kB

CzechiaCZ - Amendment Act reintroducing BLER 2017 - en.docx 21.63 kB

DE - Drittelbeteiligungsgesetz 2004 - en.docx 41.50 kB

DE- MitbestG - (amended) - en.docx 61.70 kB

DE- Montan MitbesG - en.docx 39.49 kB


2011 VEJLEDNING - Guidance for electoral procedure EN.docx 74.52 kB

2011 VEJLEDNING - Guidance for electoral procedure EN.docx 74.52 kB

Official excerpts - Companies Act 2009 and Implementation Edict 2012- en.docx 28.04 kB

DK - 2011 Guidance on BLER rules - Danish Business Authorities.pdf 191.59 kB

DK - Trans - P47977-22_Dk-A DK - 2015 Companies Act arts 140, 141- 14.2.2017.docx 25.09 kB


ES - Acuerdo 1993 INI-TENEO - ori es.pdf 1,016.92 kB

ES - Agreement 1993 INI-TENEO - en.docx 29.65 kB


FI - Laki henkiloston edustuksesta yrityste 725_1990 - Act on personnel representation in company administration - en.docx 54.67 kB

FI - Laki valtion liikelaitoksista 1062_2010 - Original Act - en.docx 37.41 kB

FI - Laki valtion liikelaitoksista 2010 - amendments 2015- en.docx 41.75 kB

GreeceGR - LAW 3429_2005 (Codified) - Government Gazette A 314 _ 27.12.2005 - en.pdf 284.27 kB
CroatiaHR - Labour Act - BLER art. 164 p.41 - en.pdf 593.38 kB
HungaryHU - Civil code 2013 full - BLER in arts 3.124-126 and 3.288 - en.pdf 2.13 MB
HU - Civil code 2013 excerpt.docx 26.01 kB
LithuaniaLT - Labour code 2017 full - BLER in arts 210-211 - en.pdf 1,023.21 kB
LuxembourgLU - Code du Travail v.2016 - BLER in art.426.1- 426.11 - ori fr.pdf 2.05 MB
LU - Code du Travail v.2016 - BLER in art.426.1- 426.11- en.docx 52.96 kB
NorwayNO - 1991 Lov om statsforetak (state-owned enterprises act) Lovdata - en.docx 40.73 kB
NO- Lov om allmennaksjeselskaper (allmennaksjeloven) 45.1997 (public limited liability companies) Lovdata - en.docx 40.23 kB
NO- Lov om allmennaksjeselskaper (allmennaksjeloven) 45.1997 (public limited liability companies) Lovdata - en.docx 40.23 kB
PolandPL - Ustawa z dnia 25 wrzesnia 1981 - consolidated text 2000 - state enterprises act - en.docx 25.55 kB
PL - Ustawa z dnia 30 sierpnia 1996 - consolidated text commerc. and privatization of state enterprises - en.docx 29.18 kB
PortugalPT - Decreto-Lei n.° 260_76 Public enterprises - en.docx 27.64 kB
PT - Decreto-Lei n.º 260_76 empresa publica - ori pt.pdf 253.85 kB
SwedenSE - Board level Private Sector Employees Act 1987-1245 - EN.pdf 210.89 kB
SE - Employment Codetermination in Workplace Act 1976-580 - EN.pdf 264.67 kB
SloveniaSI - Act on Worker Participation in Management 1993 -2007 - en.docx 29.17 kB
SlovakiaSK - Zakon 111-1990 o statnom podniku (Act on State-owned companies, in force 2016) BLER in Art. 20 - en.docx 29.25 kB

Last update: May 2021.


Austria BLER act ARBVG (EN)

Austria BLER act ARBVG (EN) AT - ArbVG (Arbeitsverfassungsgesetz) BLER in § 110 - en.docx 34.12 kB

Austria BLER act ARBVG (EN)

Austria BLER act ARBVG (DE)

Austria BLER act ARBVG (DE) AT - ArbVG, Fassung vom 21.04.2021 - ori de.pdf 731.25 kB

Amendment Act reintroducing BLER 2017 EN

Amendment Act reintroducing BLER 2017 EN CZ - Amendment Act reintroducing BLER 2017 - en.docx 21.63 kB

German Mitbestimmungsgesetz (amended) EN

German Mitbestimmungsgesetz (amended) EN DE- MitbestG - (amended) - en.docx 61.70 kB

Germany Montan Mitbestimmungsgesetz EN

Germany Montan Mitbestimmungsgesetz EN DE- Montan MitbesG - en.docx 39.49 kB

Denmark Companies Act 2015 EN

Denmark Companies Act 2015 EN DK - Companies Act 2015 - BLER in arts 140, 141 - en.docx 25.09 kB

Spain BLER Acuerdo 1993 ES

Spain BLER Acuerdo 1993 ES ES - Acuerdo 1993 INI-TENEO - ori es.pdf 1,016.92 kB

Spain BLER Agreement 1993 EN

Spain BLER Agreement 1993 EN ES - Agreement 1993 INI-TENEO - en.docx 29.65 kB

Spain BLER Acuerdo 1993 ES

Spain BLER Acuerdo 1993 ES ES - Acuerdo 1993 INI-TENEO - ori es.pdf 1,016.92 kB

Spain BLER Agreement 1993 EN

Spain BLER Agreement 1993 EN ES - Agreement 1993 INI-TENEO - en.docx 29.65 kB

Finnland 1990 Act on BLER EN

Finnland 1990 Act on BLER EN FI - Laki henkiloston edustuksesta yrityste 725_1990 - Act on personnel representation in company administration - en.docx 54.67 kB

Finnland Original Act 1990

Finnland Original Act 1990 FI - Laki valtion liikelaitoksista 1062_2010 - Original Act - en.docx 37.41 kB

Finnland Amendments 2015

Finnland Amendments 2015 FI - Laki valtion liikelaitoksista 2010 - amendments 2015- en.docx 41.75 kB

Greece Act on BLER 2005 EN

Greece Act on BLER 2005 EN GR - LAW 3429_2005 (Codified) - Government Gazette A 314 _ 27.12.2005 - en.pdf 284.27 kB

Croatia Labour Act EN

Croatia Labour Act EN HR - Labour Act - BLER art. 164 p.41 - en.pdf 593.38 kB

Hungary Civil Code 2013 (full, art. 124-126 and 3.288) EN

Hungary Civil Code 2013 (full, art. 124-126 and 3.288) EN HU - Civil code 2013 full - BLER in arts 3.124-126 and 3.288 - en.pdf 2.13 MB

Hungary Civil Code Exceprt

Hungary Civil Code Exceprt HU - Civil code 2013 excerpt.docx 26.01 kB

Lithuania Labour Code Full 2017

Lithuania Labour Code Full 2017 LT - Labour code 2017 full - BLER in arts 210-211 - en.pdf 1,023.21 kB

Luxembourg Code du Travail 2016

Luxembourg Code du Travail 2016 LU - Code du Travail v.2016 - BLER in art.426.1- 426.11 - ori fr.pdf 2.05 MB

Luxembourg Code du Travail 2016 EN

Luxembourg Code du Travail 2016 EN LU - Code du Travail v.2016 - BLER in art.426.1- 426.11- en.docx 52.96 kB

Norway State owned enterprises Act 1991

Norway State owned enterprises Act 1991 NO - 1991 Lov om statsforetak (state-owned enterprises act) Lovdata - en.docx 40.73 kB

Norway Extract Act 44.1997 Chapter 6 EN

Norway Extract Act 44.1997 Chapter 6 EN NO- Lov om allmennaksjeselskaper (allmennaksjeloven) 45.1997 (public limited liability companies) Lovdata - en.docx 40.23 kB

Norway Public limited liabilities companies EN

Norway Public limited liabilities companies EN NO- Lov om allmennaksjeselskaper (allmennaksjeloven) 45.1997 (public limited liability companies) Lovdata - en.docx 40.23 kB

Poland 1981 Act Consolidated text 2000 EN

Poland 1981 Act Consolidated text 2000 EN PL - Ustawa z dnia 25 wrzesnia 1981 - consolidated text 2000 - state enterprises act - en.docx 25.55 kB

Poland 1996 Act consolitdated text commercialisation and privatisation of state enterprises EN

Poland 1996 Act consolitdated text commercialisation and privatisation of state enterprises EN PL - Ustawa z dnia 30 sierpnia 1996 - consolidated text commerc. and privatization of state enterprises - en.docx 29.18 kB

Portugal Decreto lei 260_76 Public Enterprises EN

Portugal Decreto lei 260_76 Public Enterprises EN PT - Decreto-Lei n.° 260_76 Public enterprises - en.docx 27.64 kB

Portugal Decreto lei 260_76 Public Enterprises PT

Portugal Decreto lei 260_76 Public Enterprises PT PT - Decreto-Lei n.º 260_76 empresa publica - ori pt.pdf 253.85 kB

Sweden Board level Private Sector Employees Act 198701245 EN

Sweden Board level Private Sector Employees Act 198701245 EN SE - Board level Private Sector Employees Act 1987-1245 - EN.pdf 210.89 kB

Employment Codetermination in Workplace act 19760580

Employment Codetermination in Workplace act 19760580 SE - Employment Codetermination in Workplace Act 1976-580 - EN.pdf 264.67 kB

Slovenia Act on Worker Participation in Management 1993-2007 EN

Slovenia Act on Worker Participation in Management 1993-2007 EN SI - Act on Worker Participation in Management 1993 -2007 - en.docx 29.17 kB

Slovakia Act on State-wned companies, in force 2016 BLER in Art. 20 EN

Slovakia Act on State-wned companies, in force 2016 BLER in Art. 20 EN SK - Zakon 111-1990 o statnom podniku (Act on State-owned companies, in force 2016) BLER in Art. 20 - en.docx 29.25 kB

Edict on electoral procedure (EN translation)

Edict on electoral procedure (EN translation) 2011 VEJLEDNING - Guidance for electoral procedure EN.docx 74.52 kB

Guidance for electoral procedure (EN)

Guidance for electoral procedure (EN) 2011 VEJLEDNING - Guidance for electoral procedure EN.docx 74.52 kB

Official excerpts from Danish Company Law Act (2009) and Edict (2012)

Official excerpts from Danish Company Law Act (2009) and Edict (2012) Official excerpts - Companies Act 2009 and Implementation Edict 2012- en.docx 28.04 kB

Guidance on BLER rules (DK)

Guidance on BLER rules (DK) DK - 2011 Guidance on BLER rules - Danish Business Authorities.pdf 191.59 kB

Companies Act 2012 (DK)

Companies Act 2012 (DK) DK - Trans - P47977-22_Dk-A DK - 2015 Companies Act arts 140, 141- 14.2.2017.docx 25.09 kB

All Board-level Representation

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