Other resources include additional information, including graphics, about European Works Councils and European Council (SE) Works Councils, as well as older ETUI materials on the same.
European Works Councils and law
- (2018). Fragmented legislation to be harmonised. ETUI.
- (2017). European Works Councils: Converging evidence in favour of directive's revision. ETUI.
- (2015). European Works Council by headquarters and choice of applicable law. ETUI.
- (2013). Almost finished: Implementation of the EWC Recast Directive. February, ETUI.
- (2012). Transposition of the EWC recast directive still not complete, November, ETUI.
- (2012). About the European Works Council Directive. ETUI.
- (2012). Transposition of the EWC recast directive still not complete (November 2012). ETUI.
- (2009). Overview on new articles in the Recast European Works Council Directive 2009/38/EC. ETUI.
- (2009). Table: ETUC demands and Commission proposal. ETUI.
- (2009). Recast of the European Works Council Directive. ETUI.
- (2009). Brief overview on the revision process. ETUI.
European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) position papers
- ETUC. (2017). For a modern European Works Council (EWC) Directive in the Digital Era. ETUC.
European Works Councils infographics
- Parker, J. and Jagodzinski, R. (2023). European Works Councils and Confidentiality Rules Powerpoint presentation at the ETUC annual European Works Council conference, Madrid, 4-6 October.
- (2019). Palette of Workers' Participation Rights
- Infographics on European Works Councils
- (2017). Company restructuring and European Works Councils (2013-2015).
Publications about European Works Councils
- De Spiegelaere, S. and Jagodzinski, R. (2020). Are European Works Councils ready for Brexit? An inside look. Policy Brief No. 6, May, ETUI.
- De Spiegelaere, S. and Oligslagers, C. (2019). Why aren’t there more European Works Councils? A Belgian perspective. ETUI Policy Brief No. 7. ETUI.
- GPA. (2019). EWCs fit for change. Austria.
- ETUI. (2018). EWCs and Brexit: a 'no deal scernario' in British law. ETUI.
- Jagodziński, R. (2016). Europäische Betriebsräte feiern Jubiläum (European Works Councils celebrate an anniversary). Mitbestimmung (Hans Bockler Foundation).
- De Spiegelaere, S. and Jagodzinski, J. (2016). The right and duty of European Works Councils to report back to the workforce: broad uptake, little specificity. ETUI Policy Brief No. 2/2016, European Economic, Employment and Social Policy, ETUI.
- ETUI. (2016). Final report of the ITEM project published. ETUI.
- Jagodzinski, R. (2015). Variations on a theme? The implementation of the EWC Recast Directive. October, ETUI, Brussels.
- Kerckhofs, P. (2015). European Works Council developments before, during and after the crisis. Eurofound, Dublin.
- Mueller, T., Platzer, W. and Rub, S. (2013). Transnational company agreements and the role of European Works Councils in negotiations: A quantitative analysis in the metalworking sector. ETUI Report No. 127, ETUI.
- Schomann, I., Jagodzinski, R., Boni, G., Clauwaert, S., Glassner, V. and Jaspers, T. (2012). Transnational collective bargaining at company level. A new component of European industrial relations? ETUI, Brussels.
- Hertwig, M., Pries, L. and Rampeltshammer, L. (2009). European Works Councils in complementary perspectives: New approaches to the study of European interest regulation. ETUI, Brussels.
- Vitols, S. (2009). European Works Councils: an assessment of their social welfare impact. Working Paper No. 4, ETUI, Brussels.
- Jagodzinski, R., Kluge, N. and Waddington, J. (2008). Memorandum European Works Councils: Recommendations for policy-making based on current experiences. ETUI, Brussels.
- Whittall, M., Knudsen, H. and Huijgen, F. (2007). Towards a European Identity: The Case of the European Works Council. ILR Review, January.
- Schömann, I. Clauwaert, S. and Warneck, W. (2006), Information and Consultation of workers in the European Community. Implementation report of Directive 2002/14/EC. Report 97. ETUI-REHS. Brussels.
- British Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). (2005). Information and consultation of Employees Regulation 2004, London: DTI.
- Eversheds and Employment Law Alliance. (2005). Information and consultation Survey.
- McKay, S. (2005). Law at work, London: Labour Research Department.
- Veale, S. (2005). Your Voice at work, Paper for ILS Annual conference 9-10 September 2005.
- Labour Research Department (2005) Information and consultation – a guide to the new regulation, London: LRD.
- Confédération Europénne des Syndicats (CES). (2003-2005). Résolutions et communiqués de presse.
- Parlement Européen. (2004). Droit à l’information et à la consultation des travailleurs au sein de l’entreprise, Charte des Droits Fondamentaux de l'Union européenne.
- EIROnline (2003). Works councils and other workplace employee representation and participation structures. Eurofound, Dublin.
- Irish Industrial Relations Unit, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. (2003). Consultation Paper on Transposition into Irish Law.
- Commission Européenne. (2002). Cadre général relatif à l'information et la consultation des travailleurs.
- EIROnline. (2002). Les systèmes de gouvernement d'entreprise et la nature de la restructuration industrielle.
- EIROnline. (2002). Corporate governance systems and the nature of industrial restructuring.
- (2002) ‘Legislation European Communities’, European Industrial Relations Review, (340), 15-17.
- Pichot, E. (2002). L’information-consultation des des salariés en Espagne. Liaisons Sociales Europe, 50.
- Pichot, E. (2002). L’information-consultation des des salariés en Suède. Liaisons Sociales Europe, 54.
- Pichot, E. (2002). L’information-consultation des des salariés en Allemagne. Liaisons Sociales Europe, 47.
- Pichot, E. (2002) L’information-consultation des des salariés en Grande-Bretagne. Liaisons Sociales Europe, 61.
- Fonteneau, G. (2002) Les droits sociaux en Europe,. European Trade Union Confederation, Brussels ; Fondation des Droits de l'Homme au Travail, Geneve et Bruxelles.
- Rodière, P. (2002). Droit Social de l’Union européenne. 2ème édition : Paris: LGDJ.
- Pichot, E. (2001) Les différentes formes de représentation des salariés. Liaisons Sociales Europe, 36: 5-8.
- Pichot, E. (2001) Les modes de codétermination et d’information-consultation. Liaisons Sociales Europe, 38: 5-8.
- Brihi, R. (2000). La directive sur le comité d’entreprise européen à travers les affaires Renault et Otis. Droit ouvrier, 108-113.
- Schulten, T. and Zagelmeyer, S. (1998). Board-Level Employee Representation in Europe. EIRObserver, 5: I-IV.
- EIROnline. (1997). The Renault case and the future of Social Europe. Eurofound, Dublin.
- Lobner, P. (1997). The Renault case: the European Works Councils put to the test. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 13(2): 135-142.
- Commission Européenne. (1995). Communication de la Commission sur l’information et la consultation des travailleurs. COM (1995) 547 final, Brussels.
European Works Council and European Company (SE) Works Council training resources
- (2018). European Works Council (EWC) Training rights across Europe. ETUI.
- n.d. European Works Council training rights across Europe
- Training and the Recast European Works Council Directive 2009/38/EC
- Anonymous. (2013). Training rights for employee representatives in European Works Council and SE Works Councils. ETUI.
- Anonymous. (2013). Scenario Workshop 'Worker Participation 2030' for EWC members, ETUI.
- (2010). European Works Council, SE Works Council and Special Negotiating Body Training. ETUI.
- Training and the European Company (SE) Directive 2001/86/EC
European Works Council guides
- Voss, E., DeMaitre, B. and De Spiegelaere, S. (2018). How to prepare for company change: Manual for European Workers' Representatives. Manual, October, ETUI.
- European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT). (2016). Practical guidelines for EWC Coordinators and trade union officers.
- Demaître, B., Jagodzinski, R. and Stoop, S. (FNV Formaat). (2014). 02. How to organise your communications network. Manual, ETUI.
- Demaitre, B. and Jagodzinski, R. (2011). Manual for European Workers’ Representatives: 01 How to make your meetings more successful. ETUI.
- Picard, S. (2009). European Works Councils: a trade union guide to directive 2009/38/EC. Report No. 114, ETUI.
ETUI workshops and other events on European Works Councils and SE Works Councils
- (2024). EWCs' new tool? Let's brainstorm on CSDD! Training, 6 May, ETUI.
- (2020). EWPCC Conference 2020: a flashback. ETUI.
- (2016). Academic workshop - European Works Council Recast Directive. ETUI.
- (2016). Expert workshop on the impact of the Recast Directive on European Works Councils. ETUI.
- (2015). Annual EWPCC Conference: Variations on a Theme: Understanding information, consultation and negotiation at the workplace across Europe. 26-27 February, ETUI, Brussels.
- (2013). Expert workshop - European Works Council (EWC) network on Monitoring implementation of the EWC Recast Directive. ETUI.
- (2013). European Scenario Workshop ‘Worker Participation 2030’ – Anticipation workshop for European Works Councils and SE-WC Select Committees.
- (2011). ETUI fringe meeting at ETUC congress: 'European Challenges for Worker Involvement (16 May).
- ETUI. (2011). EWPCC seminar on Confidentiality in Europe’s company boardrooms. ETUI.
- ETUI. (2010). Workshop 'Further training and other supportive measures for workers’ representatives in SE boardrooms.' ETUI.
- ETUI. (2009). Conference 'Corporate strategy and monitoring in the European Company (SE) at a time of crisis.' September, ETUI.
- ETUI. (2009). Workshop, Further training and other supportive measures for workers’ representatives in SE boardrooms. February, ETUI.
More information on European Works Councils
- ETUI European Workers' Participation Competence Centre (EWPCC)
- ETUI European Works Council database (EWCDB)
- ETUI Education
- ETUI. (2021). Survey on EWCs in Covid-19 (2021). ETUI.
- ETUI. (2014). News Bulletin – worker-participation.eu. April. ETUI
- ETUI. (2013). News Bulletin - worker-participation.eu. October, ETUI.
- ETUI. (2013). News Bulletin - worker-participation.eu. April, ETUI.
- ETUI. (2012). News Bulletin - worker-participation.eu. November, ETUI.
- ETUI. (2012). News Bulletin – worker-participation.eu. June, ETUI.
- ETUI. (2012). News Bulletin - worker-participation.eu. February, ETUI.
- ETUI. (2011). News Bulletin – worker-participation.eu. October, ETUI.
- ETUI. (2011). News Bulletin – worker-participation.eu. May, ETUI.
- ETUI. (2010). News Bulletin - worker-participation.eu. November, ETUI.
European Workers' Participation Competence Centre (EWPCC)
- European Workers' Participation Competence Centre (EWPCC)
- European Workers' Participation Competence Centre (EWPCC) Graphic
- (2016). Annual conference of the European Workers' Participation Competence Centre
- (2012). Changes at the EWPCC. ETUI.