Theoretical perspectives on Board-level Employee Representation and democracy at work
- De Spiegelaere, S. et al. (2019). Democracy at Work. In L. Visentini et al. (eds). Benchmarking Working Europe 2019. ETUI annual publication, pp. 67-89.
- Lafuente. S. (2022). Dual majorities for firm governments. In I. Ferreras et al. (eds). Democratize Work: The Case for Reorganizing the Economy. University of Chicago Press, pp. 73-78. [Also in French, Portuguese, Italian and Dutch]
- Lafuente Hernández, S. (2018). Book review: Firms as Political Entities. Saving Democracy through economic Bicameralism by Isabelle Ferreras. Transfer, 24(3): 356-359.
- Conchon, A. (2011). Employee representation in corporate governance: Part of the economic or the social sphere? ETUI Working Paper 2011.08.
National-level Board-level Employee Representation law and practice
- Coming soon: Lafuente S. (ed.) (2024). Revisiting worker representation on boards: the forgotten EU countries in codetermination studies. Brussels: ETUI. (forthcoming)
- Lafuente, S. (2023). The quiet transnationalisation of BLER in national law and practice. A case for pan-European legislation. ETUI working paper.
- Lafuente, S. (2022). The Europeanisation of board-level employee representation in France. An emerging role for European Works Councils? ETUI working paper.
- Lafuente, S. (2022). Participación del trabajo en el gobierno empresarial: el caso de la codecisión Alemana. In J.A. Moreno Izquierdo and B. Estrada Lopez (coords). Una empresa de todos? La participación del trabajo en el gobierno corporativo. Catarata, pp. 99-114.
- Lafuente Hernández, S. (2018). La cogestión en Europa: Estado, desarrollo y perspectivas para las relaciones laborales en España. In Hacia un nuevo modelo de relaciones laborales participativo y su implicación en los organismos autónomos de solución de conflictos. CCOO and Fundación SIMA, pp. 25-50.
- Conchon, A. (2015). Workers’ voice in corporate governance: a European perspective. ETUI and TUC report.
- ETUI. (2014). In focus: the Europeanisation of board-level employee representation.Brussels: ETUI.
- Conchon, A. (2011). Board-level employee representation rights in Europe. Facts and trends. ETUI report. Brussels: ETUI.
- Conchon, A., Gold, M. and Kluge, N. (eds). (2010). ‘In the union and on the board’: experiences of board-level employee representatives across Europe. Brussels: ETUI.
EU-level Board-level Employee Representation law and practice
- Lafuente Hernández, S. (2019). The road to pan-European codetermination rights: a course that never did run smooth. In J. Kiess and M. Seeliger (eds). Trade Unions under the Pressure of European Integration: A Question of Optimism and Pessimism? Routledge, pp. 158-177.
- Lafuente Hernández, S. and Rasnača Z. (2019). Can Workers’ Rights Ever Catch up The Erzberger Case and EU Cross-border Reality. Industrial Law Journal, 48(1): 98-116.
- Lafuente Hernámdez. S. (2019). Negotiated board-level employee representation in European Companies: Leverage for the institutional power of labour? European Journal of Industrial Relations, 25(3): 275-289.
- Waddington, J. and Conchon, A. (2017). Is Europeanised board-level employee representation specific? The case of European Companies (SEs). Working Paper No. 2, June, ETUI.
- Cremers, J., Stollt, M. and Vitols, S. (2013). A decade of experience with the European Company. Brussels: ETUI..
- Conchon, A. (2012). Are employee participation rights under pressure? Trends at national and EU level. ETUI Policy Brief. Brussels: ETUI.
- Stollt, M. (2006). The European Company – Prospects for worker board-level participation in the enlarged EU. Brussels: ETUI.
- Stollt, M. and Wolters, E. (2011). Worker involvement in the European Company (SE). A handbook for practitioners. Brussels: ETUI.
- Cremers, J., Kluge, N. and Stollt, M. (2010). Worker participation: a ‘burden’ on the European Company (SE)? A critical assessment of an EU consultation process. Brussels: ETUI.
- Kluge, N. and Stollt, M. (2006). The European Company – Prospects for worker board-level participation in the enlarged EU. Brussels: ETUI.
Articulation between Board-level Employee Representation and European Works Councils or other industrial relations dimensions
- Lafuente, S. (2022). The Europeanisation of board-level employee representation in France. An emerging role for European Works Councils? ETUI Working Paper. Brussels: ETUI.
- Lafuente, S., De Spiegelaere, S. and Jagodzinski, R. (2022). Friends in high places. Relations between European works councils and board-level employee representatives. ETUI Policy Brief. Brussels: ETUI.
Quantitative survey of Board-level Employee Representatives in Europe
- Waddington, J. (ed). (2018). European Board-Level Employee Representation. National Variations in Influence and Power. Kluwer Law International.
- Waddington, J. And Conchon, A. (2017). Is Europeanised board-level employee representation specific? The case of European Companies (SEs). ETUI Working Paper. Brussels: ETUI.
- Waddington, J. and Conchon, A. (2016). Board-level Employee Representation in Europe. Priorities, Power and Articulation. Routledge.
- Conchon, A. and Waddington, J. (2015). Participation rights in practice: what are the power bases of worker representatives at the board? Policy Brief (FR)
Women and Board-level Employee Representation
- Hoffman, A. et al. (2020). Democracy at work in a pandemic. In N. Countouris and R. Jagodzinski (eds.). Benchmarking Working Europe 2020, Brussles: ETUI, pp. 153-154.
- Hoffman, A. et al. (2018). Social policymaking and workers’ participation. In M. Jepson (ed.). Benchmarking Working Europe 2018, Brussels: ETUI, pp. 77-78.
- ETUI. (2018). 30% female quota in supervisory boards of German DAX companies. Brussels: ETUI.
- Conchon, A. (2012). Book review of ‘Women on Corporate Boards and in Top Management. European Trends and Policy’ by C. Fagan, M.C. Gonzalez Menendez and S. Gomez Anson (eds). Transfer, 135.
Board-level Employee Representation and Financial Participation
- Pendleton, A. (2019). Financial participation in Europe: opportunities and risks for employees. ETUI Policy Brief. Brussels: ETUI.
- Lafuente Hernández, S. and del Rosal Crespo. (2018). Codecisión y fondos de inversión de los asalariados: los casos de Alemania y Suecia. In Plataforma por la Democracia, Reivindicando la democracia en la empresa. Fundacion 1e de Mayo and Economistas sin Fronteras, pp. 73-84.
- Kluge, N. and Wilke, P. (2007). Board-level participation and workers’ financial participation in Europe. State of the art and developments trends. Brussels: ETUI.
Board-level employee representation and trade unions
- ETUI. (not dated). European trade unions and board-level representation. Brussels: ETUI.
- Conchon, A., Gold, M. and Kluge, N. (2010). 'In the union and on the board': experiences of board-level employee representatives across Europe. Brussels: ETUI.
Archive of Board-level Employee Representation publications
- ETUI. (2017). Belgian political parties favour co-determination of employees in company boards.Brussels: ETUI.
- Conchon, A. and Waddington, J. (2015). Participation rights in practice: what are the power bases of worker representatives at the board? Policy Brief No. 10, September, Brussels: ETUI.
- Waddington, J. and Conchon, A. (2015). Board Level Employee Representation in Europe: Priorities, Power and Articulation. Routledge.
- Conchon, A. and Waddington, J. (2011) Board-level employee representation in Europe: Challenging commonplace prejudices. In S. Vitols and N. Kluge (eds.). The Sustainable Company: a new approach to corporate governance, Brussels, Brussels: ETUI, pp. 91-111.
- Conchon, A. (2011). Board-level employee representation rights in Europe. Facts and trends. ETUI report No. 121, Brussels: ETUI.
- Gold, M., Kluge, N. and Conchon, A. (2010). 'In the union and on the board’: experiences of board-level employee representatives across Europe, Brussels: ETUI.
- Kluge, N. and Wilke, P. (2007). Board-level participation and workers’ financial participation in Europe. State of the art and development trends. ETUI-REHS Research department Report No. 102, Brussels: ETUI.
- Kluge, N. and Stollt, M. (2006). The European Company - Prospects for worker board-level participation in the enlarged EU. Brussels: ETUI-REHS and SDA..
- ETUI. (2005). Transposition of the SE legislation in France (Final report: July 2005. Brussels: ETUI.
- ETUI-REHS and Hans Böckler Foundation (eds.). (2004). Workers’ participation at board-level in the EU-15 countries. Reports on the national systems and practices. Brussels: ETUI-REHS.
- ETUI-REHS and SDA (eds.). (2005). Worker Board-Level Representation in the New EU Member States: Country Reports on the National Systems and Practices. Brussels: ETUI-REHS-SDA.
- ETUI. (2004). Why Co-determination? (Board-level Employee Representation and Participation). Brussels: ETUI.
- ETUI. (not dated). What is Board-level Employee Representation? Brussels: ETUI.
- older material - national Board-level Employee Representation text