Christophe Clerc, a barrister and member of the ETUI's GoodCorp Network, launched an initiative for the much needed reforms regarding employees and companies.

This appeal draws on analysis of the ETUI and its GoodCorp and Workers' Participation Europe networks and addresses the issues of democracy at work, enforcement of employee rights (including through a European agency dedicated to this effect), the fight against the destructive practices of shell companies, the need for a fairer and more efficient corporate tax system, and the necessity to implement binding measures regarding the social and environmental responsibility of companies. It has been approved by ETUC and was made part of the ETUCs strategy for 'More Democracy at Work'.

The appeal has been signed by over 25 trade unions so far, with more than 150 signatures, amongst them:

  • the incumbent leadership of the ETUC (with the SG, Luca Visentini, and deputy SG, Peter Scherrer, both signing) as well as of Emilio Gabaglio, former ETUC General Secretary, and John Monks, former General Secretary TUC and ETUC, Member of House of Lords;
  • a number of secretary generals of ETUC member organisations: of the German DGB (Reiner Hoffmann, President), the Italian CGIL (Susanna Camusso, GS), the Spanish CCOO (Unai Sordo, GS), the UK TUC,  the French CFDT, CFE-CGC, UNSA, CFTC and a CGT federation, and SGs or Presidents of leading trade unions in other countries such as Switzerland, Portugal, Austria, Luxembourg and Bulgaria.
  • prominent politicians: Enrico Letta (former prime minister of Italy), several MEPs (including Thomas Händel, chair of the European Parliament Committee on Employment and Social Affairs and Elmar Brok) and several MPs in various countries. Udo Bullmann (President of the S&D group in the European Parliament)
  • prominent academics (such as Thomas Piketty, Wolfgang Streeck, Richard Hyman, Manfred Weiss).

Support is increasing every day.

A specific UK version exists, which supports the same reforms but takes into account the specificity of the Brexit – if you are from the UK, you may wish to sign it on top of the main Appeal.