The “woodworking” sectoral social dialogue has resulted, since 1994, in the adoption of 8 joint texts.






10/06/2008CEI-BOIS and EFBWW Position Paper on the European Commission’s proposal for a directive on Renewable Energy SourcesSustainable developmentJoint opinionEuropean institutions
01/10/2007Joint declaration of CEI-Bois and EFBWW on illegal logging and certification of woodSustainable developmentDeclarationEuropean institutions
24/10/2006Social partners demand the recognition of wood-based products as carbon stores with a positive contribution to climate changeSustainable developmentJoint opinionEuropean institutions
13/06/2003Biomass combustion beyond reasonable limits!Sustainable developmentJoint opinionEuropean institutions
20/03/2002Code of conduct. A charter for the social partners in the European woodworking industryCorporate social responsibilityRecommendationNational organisations
12/03/2001Rules of procedure of dialogue committee in the woodworking industry (draft proposal)Social dialogueRules of procedureEuropean social partners
05/09/1997Sustainable forestry (joint declaration)Sustainable developmentJoint opinionEuropean institutions
17/06/1994Memorandum of understanding on engagement in a social dialogueSocial dialogueRules of procedureEuropean social partners
Folder Sources

Sectoral Social Dialogue Factsheets