The Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania (Seimas) adopted the Law on SEs on 29 April 2004. This law concerns the Regulation on the SE Statute. The separate Law on employee involvement (Transposition law) will be adopted for the purpose of transposing Directive 2001/86/EC. The Ministry of Social Security and Labour has not presented a draft of the transposition law to the Government. Such a draft will appear in September 2004. Supposedly the Transposition law will be adopted without any significant social partner involvement. So far, the social partners have not been involved in the working group on the drafting of the transposition law. The Tripartite Council that, according to the relevant Government Regulation, must discuss draft labour legislation will not meet until November. However, the social partners are not particularly concerned by this state of affairs since in their view the Transposition law does not really affect their activities. The Ministry of Social Security and Labour intends to have the legislation in force by 8 October 2004.
