Belgium | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 Work NATIONAL COUNCIL – Opinion No 1.590. CONSEIL NATIONAL DU TRAVAIL - Avis n° 1.590. Official publication: Mesures administratives ; Publication date: 2007-01-30 National Labour Council – Opinion No 1.590 NATIONALE ARBEIDSRAAD - Advies Nr. 1.590 Official publication: Administrative measures ; Publication date: 2007-01-30 PUBLIC SERVICE FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT, LABOUR AND SOCIAL DIALOGUE 16 MARCH 2007. — Royal Decree making compulsory Collective Labour Agreement No 62c of 30 January 2007, concluded within the National Labour Council, amending Collective Labour Agreement No 62 of 6 February 1996 concerning the establishment of a European Works Council or a procedure in Community-scale undertakings and Community-scale groups of undertakings for the purposes of informing and consulting employees, as amended by collective labour agreements No 62bis of 6 October 1998 and No 62b of 6 October 2004. SERVICE PUBLIC FEDERAL EMPLOI, TRAVAIL ET CONCERTATION SOCIALE 16 MARS 2007. - Arrêté royal rendant obligatoire la convention collective de travail n° 62quater du 30 janvier 2007, conclue au sein du Conseil national du Travail, modifiant la convention collective de travail n° 62 du 6 février 1996 concernant l'institution d'un comité d'entreprise européen ou d'une procédure dans les entreprises de dimension communautaire et les groupes d'entreprises de dimension communautaire en vue d'informer et de consulter les travailleurs, modifiée par les conventions collectives de travail n° 62bis du 6 octobre 1998 et n° 62ter du 6 octobre 2004. Official publication: Moniteur Belge ; Number: 2007/200857 ; Publication date: 2007-04-04 ; Page: 19075-19077 PUBLIC SERVICE FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT, LABOUR AND SOCIAL DIALOGUE 16 MARCH 2007. Royal Decree making compulsory Collective Labour Agreement No 88 of 30 January 2007, concluded within the National Labour Council, concerning the involvement of employees in the European Cooperative Society SERVICE PUBLIC FEDERAL EMPLOI, TRAVAIL ET CONCERTATION SOCIALE 16 MARS 2007. - Arrêté royal rendant obligatoire la convention collective de travail n° 88 du 30 janvier 2007, conclue au sein du Conseil national du Travail, concernant l'implication des travailleurs dans la société coopérative européenne Official publication: Moniteur Belge ; Publication date: 2007-04-10 ; Page: 19908-19931 PUBLIC SERVICE FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT, LABOUR AND SOCIAL DIALOGUE — 9 MAY 2008. — Law laying down various provisions concerning the establishment of a special negotiating body, a representative body and procedures relating to the involvement of employees in the European Cooperative Society SERVICE PUBLIC FEDERAL EMPLOI, TRAVAIL ET CONCERTATION SOCIALE - 9 MAI 2008. - Loi portant des dispositions diverses en ce qui concerne l'institution d'un groupe spécial de négociation, d'un organe de représentation et de procédures relatives à l'implication des travailleurs au sein de la Société coopérative européenne Official publication: Moniteur Belge ; Publication date: 2008-07-23 ; Page: 38406-38407 PUBLIC SERVICE FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT, LABOUR AND SOCIAL DIALOGUE 9 MAY 2008. — Law on accompanying measures as regards the establishment of a special negotiating body, a representative body and procedures relating to the involvement of employees in the European Cooperative Society SERVICE PUBLIC FEDERAL EMPLOI, TRAVAIL ET CONCERTATION SOCIALE 9 MAI 2008. - Loi portant des mesures d'accompagnement en ce qui concerne l'institution d'un groupe spécial de négociation, d'un organe de représentation et de procédures relatives à l'implication des travailleurs au sein de la Société coopérative européenne Official publication: Moniteur Belge ; Publication date: 2008-07-23 ; Page: 38407-38410 PUBLIC FEDERAL CHANCELLERY OF THE PRIME MINISTER – 24 JULY 2008. — Law laying down miscellaneous provisions (I), Chapter IV. — Provisions supplementing the Law of 9 May 2008 on accompanying measures with regard to the establishment of a special negotiating body, a representative body and procedures relating to the involvement of employees in the European Cooperative Society. ART. 89 AND 90 SERVICE PUBLIC FEDERAL CHANCELLERIE DU PREMIER MINISTRE - 24 JUILLET 2008. - Loi portant des dispositions diverses (I), CHAPITRE IV. - Dispositions complétant la loi du 9 mai 2008 portant des mesures d'accompagnement en ce qui concerne l'institution d'un groupe spécial de négociation, d'un organe de représentation et de procédures relatives à l'implication des travailleurs au sein de la société coopérative européenne. ART. 89 ET 90 Official publication: Moniteur Belge ; Publication date: 2008-08-07 ; Page: 41204-41205 PUBLIC SERVICE FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT, LABOUR AND SOCIAL CONSULTATION – 9 SEPTEMBER 2008. — Royal Decree implementing Article 8 of the Law of 9 May 2008 on accompanying measures as regards the establishment of a special negotiating body, a representative body and procedures relating to the involvement of employees in the European Cooperative Society. SERVICE PUBLIC FEDERAL EMPLOI, TRAVAIL ET CONCERTATION SOCIALE - 9 SEPTEMBRE 2008. - Arrêté royal portant exécution de l'article 8 de la loi du 9 mai 2008 portant des mesures d'accompagnement en ce qui concerne l'institution d'un groupe spécial de négociation, d'un organe de représentation et de procédures relatives à l'implication des travailleurs au sein de la Société coopérative européenne. Official publication: Moniteur Belge ; Publication date: 2008-09-26 ; Page: 50126-50126
Bulgaria | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 Labour Code Кодекс на труда Official publication: Държавен вестник ; Number: 48 ; Publication date: 2006-06-13 ; Page: 00002-00011 Law on Information and Consultation of Employees in Multinational Enterprises, Groups of Enterprises and European Companies Закон за информиране и консултиране с работниците и служителите в многонационални предприятия, групи предприятия и европейски дружества Official publication: Държавен вестник ; Number: 57 ; Publication date: 2006-07-14
Czech Republic | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 Act No 65/1965 Coll., Labour Code Zákon č. 65/1965 Sb., zákoník práce Official publication: Sbirka Zakonu CR ; Publication date: 1965-06-30 Act No 72/2006 amending Act No 65/1965, the Labour Code, as amended, and Act No 549/1991 on court fees, as amended Zákon č. 72/2006 Sb., kterým se mění zákon č. 65/1965 Sb., zákoník práce, ve znění pozdějších předpisů a zákon č. 549/1991 Sb., o soudních poplatcích, ve znění pozdějších předpisů Official publication: Sbirka Zakonu CR ; Publication date: 2006-03-15 Act No 307/2006 on the European Cooperative Society Zákon č. 307/2006 Sb., o evropské družstevní společnosti Official publication: Sbirka Zakonu CR ; Publication date: 2006-06-22 Act No 308/2006 amending certain acts in connection with the adoption of the Act on a European Cooperative Society Zákon č. 308/2006 Sb., kterým se mění některé zákony v souvislosti s přijetím zákona o evropské družstevní společnosti Official publication: Sbirka Zakonu CR ; Publication date: 2006-06-22
Transposition deadline: 18/08/2006 Act No 155/2000 Coll. amending Act No 65/1965 Coll., the Labour Code, as amended, and certain other acts Zákon č. 155/2000 Sb., kterým se mění zákon č. 65/1965 Sb., zákoník práce, ve znění pozdějších předpisů, a některé další zákony Official publication: Sbirka Zakonu CR ; Publication date: 2000-06-21 Act No 262/2006 Coll., Labour Code Zákon č. 262/2006 Sb., zákoník práce Official publication: Sbirka Zakonu CR ; Publication date: 2006-06-07 Direct text access: 
Denmark | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 Act on the involvement of employees in SCEs Lov om medarbejderindflydelse i SCE-selskaber Official publication: Lovtidende A ; Publication date: 2006-03-27
Germany | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 Law on the involvement of employees in a European Cooperative Society (SCE-Beteiligungsgesetz – SCEBG) Gesetz über die Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitnehmerinnen in einer Europäischen Genossenschaft (SCE-Beteiligungsgesetz - SCEBG) Official publication: Bundesgesetzblatt Teil 1 ( BGB 1 ) ; Publication date: 2006-08-17
Ireland | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 European Communities (European Cooperative Society)(Employee Involvement) Regulations 2007 Official publication: Iris Oifigiúl ; Publication date: 2007-06-05
Greece | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 EM estime MNE non nécessaire – MS does not consider NEM necessary. EM estime MNE non nécessaire - MS does not consider NEM necessary. Member State does not consider the transposition necessary. Official publication: Εφημερίς της Κυβερνήσεως (ΦΕΚ) (Τεύχος Α) ; Number: 72 ; Publication date: 2008-04-24 ; Page: 01215-01223 ; Transposition declaration: Not necessary
Spain | Transposition deadline: 18/08/2006 Law 31/2006 of 18 October on the involvement of employees in European public limited companies and cooperatives LEY 31/2006, de 18 de octubre, sobre implicación de los trabajadores en las sociedades anónimas y cooperativas europeas Official publication: Boletín Oficial del Estado ( B.O.E ) ; Number: 250/2006 ; Publication date: 2006-10-19 ; Page: 36302-36317 Direct text access: 
France | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 Law No 2008-89 of 30 January 2008 on the implementation of Community provisions on the Statute for a European Cooperative Society and the Protection of Workers employees in the event of the employer’s insolvency (1) LOI no 2008-89 du 30 janvier 2008 relative à la mise en oeuvre des dispositions communautaires concernant le statut de la société coopérative européenne et la protection des travailleurs salariés en cas d’insolvabilité de l’employeur (1) Official publication: Journal Officiel de la République Française (JORF) ; Publication date: 2008-01-31 Decree No 2008-439 of 7 May 2008 on involvement employees in the European Cooperative Society Décret no 2008-439 du 7 mai 2008 relatif à l’implication des salariés dans la société coopérative européenne Official publication: Journal Officiel de la République Française (JORF) ; Publication date: 2008-05-08 Decree No 2008-440 of 7 May 2008 on involvement employees in the European Cooperative Society Décret no 2008-440 du 7 mai 2008 relatif à l’implication des salariés dans la société coopérative européenne Official publication: Journal Officiel de la République Française (JORF) ; Publication date: 2008-05-08
Croatia | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 LABOUR CODE ZAKON O RADU Official publication: Narodne Novine ; Number: 149/09 ACT AMENDING THE LABOUR CODE ZAKON O IZMJENAMA I DOPUNAMA ZAKONA O RADU Official publication: Narodne Novine ; Number: 61/11 ACT ESTABLISHING A EUROPEAN COOPERATIVE SOCIETY – SOCIETAS COOPERATIVE EUROPAEA (SCE) ZAKON O UVOĐENJU EUROPSKE ZADRUGE – SOCIETAS COOPERATIVE EUROPAEA (SCE) Official publication: Narodne Novine ; Number: 63/08 ACT AMENDING THE LABOUR CODE 73-13 ZAKON O IZMJENAMA I DOPUNAMA ZAKONA O RADU 73-13 Official publication: Narodne Novine ; Number: 73/13
Italy | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 Implementation of Directive 2003/72/EC supplementing the Statute for a European Cooperative Society with regard to the involvement of employees. Attuazione della direttiva 2003/72/CE che completa lo statuto della società cooperativa europea per quanto riguarda il coinvolgimento dei lavoratori. Official publication: Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana ; Number: 85 ; Publication date: 2007-04-12
Cyprus | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 The Supplementing the Statute of the European Cooperative Society with regard to the role of workers of 2006. Ο περί της Συμπλήρωσης του Καταστατικού της Ευρωπαϊκής Συνεργατικής Εταιρείας όσον αφορά τον Ρόλο των Εργαζομένων Νόμος του 2006. Official publication: Cyprus Gazette ; Number: 4102 ; Publication date: 2006-12-15 ; Page: 01710-01735
Latvia | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 law on employee involvement in a European cooperative society likums Par darbinieku iesaistīšanos Eiropas kooperatīvajā sabiedrībā Official publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis ; Number: 183 ; Publication date: 2006-11-15
Transposition deadline: 18/08/2006 On the involvement of employees in decision-making in a European company, European Cooperative Society and cross-border mergers of limited liability companies Par darbinieku iesaistīšanu lēmumu pieņemšanā Eiropas komercsabiedrībā, Eiropas kooperatīvajā sabiedrībā un kapitālsabiedrību pārrobežu apvienošanas gadījumā Official publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis ; Number: 23 ; Publication date: 2010-02-10 Law amending the Latvian Administrative Infringements Code Grozījumi Latvijas Administratīvo pārkāpumu kodeksā Official publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis ; Number: 27 ; Publication date: 2010-02-17
Luxembourg | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 Law of 18 March 2009: 1. transposition of Council Directive 2003/72/EC of 22 July 2003 supplementing the status of the European Cooperative Society with regard to the involvement of employees; 2. amendment of the Labour Code. Loi du 18 mars 2009 portant 1. transposition de la directive 2003/72/CE du Conseil du 22 juillet 2003 complétant le statut de la société coopérative européenne pour ce qui concerne l’implication des travailleurs; 2. modification du Code du travail. Official publication: Mémorial Luxembourgeois A ; Number: 63 ; Publication date: 2009-03-27 ; Page: 00824-00836
Hungary | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM Official publication: Administrative measures ; Number: . Act IV of 1959 on the Civil Code of the Republic of Hungary 1959. évi IV. törvény a Magyar Köztársaság Polgári Törvénykönyvéről Official publication: Magyar Közlöny ; Number: 1959/40 ; Publication date: 1959-08-11 ; Page: 500 Title III of 1952 T ö r v v n y the Code of Civil Procedure (In a single structure.) 1952. évi III. t ö r v é n y a polgári perrendtartásról (Egységes szerkezetben.) Official publication: Magyar Közlöny ; Number: 2000/33. ; Page: 01651-01717 LXIX of 2006 law on the European Cooperative Society 2006. évi LXIX. törvény az európai szövetkezetrõl Official publication: Magyar Közlöny ; Number: 2006/95. ; Page: 07792-07806 C. 1990 law on local taxes 1990. évi C. törvény a helyi adókról Official publication: Magyar Közlöny ; Number: 1990/138. ; Page: 02778-02785
Transposition deadline: 18/08/2006 Act XLIX of 1991 on bankruptcy proceedings, liquidation proceedings and final dissolution settlements 1991. évi XLIX. törvény a csődeljárásról, a felszámolási eljárásról és a végelszámolásról Official publication: Magyar Közlöny ; Number: 1991/17 ; Publication date: 1991-10-22 ; Page: 02311-02325 Act V of 2006 on public company information, court registration proceedings and the winding-up of companies 2006. évi V. törvény a cégnyilvánosságról, a bírósági cégeljárásról és a végelszámolásról Official publication: Magyar Közlöny ; Number: 2006/1. ; Publication date: 1001-01-01 ; Page: 00099-00161 Act I of 2012 on the Labour Code 2012. évi I. törvény a munka törvénykönyvéről Official publication: Magyar Közlöny ; Publication date: 1001-01-01 ; Page: 00257-00317 Act LXXXVI of 2012 on transitional provisions and amendments to Acts relating to the entry into force of Act I of 2012 on the Labour Code 2012. évi LXXXVI. törvény a munka törvénykönyvéről szóló 2012. évi I. törvény hatálybalépésével összefüggő átmeneti rendelkezésekről és törvénymódosításokról Official publication: Magyar Közlöny ; Publication date: 1001-01-01 ; Page: 12344-12408
Malta | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 L.N. 48 of 2007 EMPLOYMENT AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT (CAP. 452) Employee Involvement (European Co-operative Society) Regulations, 2007 Official publication: The Malta government gazette ; Number: 18047 ; Publication date: 2007-03-09 ; Page: 00639-00686
Netherlands | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 Law of 5 July 2006 amending the Law on the involvement of employees in the European Union company in connection with the execution of Council Directive 2003/72/EC of the European Union of 22 July 2003 supplementing it of the Statute for a European Cooperative company with regard to the role of the employees Wet van 5 juli 2006, houdende wijziging van de Wet rol werknemers bij de Europese vennootschap in verband met de uitvoering van richtlijn nr. 2003/72/EG van de Raad van de Europese Unie van 22 juli 2003 tot aanvulling van het statuut van een Europese coöperatieve vennootschap met betrekking tot de rol van de werknemers Official publication: Staatsblad (Bulletin des Lois et des Décrets royaux) ; Number: 361
Austria | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 Federal Act adopting a Federal Act on the Statute for a European Cooperative Society (Societas Cooperativa Europaea – SCE) – (SCE Law – SCEG) and the Cooperatives Act which: Justice Act, Court Fees Act, Court Fees Act 1962, Banking Act, Pension Fund Act, Stock Exchange Act, the Insurance Supervision Act, the Labour Constitution Act, the Federal Act on Post-Betriebsverfassung, the Labour and Labour Act The Social Courts Act and the 1984 Agricultural Labour Act (Genossenschaftrechtsänderungsgesetz 2006 – GenRÄG 2006) Bundesgesetz, mit dem ein Bundesgesetz über das Statut der Europäischen Genossenschaft (Societas Cooperativa Europaea - SCE) – (SCEGesetz– SCEG) erlassen wird sowie das Genossenschaftsgesetz, das Rechtspflegergesetz, das Gerichtsgebührengesetz, das Gerichtliche Einbringungsgesetz 1962, das Bankwesengesetz, das Pensionskassengesetz, das Börsegesetz, das Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz, das Arbeitsverfassungsgesetz, das Bundesgesetz über die Post-Betriebsverfassung, das Arbeits- und Sozialgerichtsgesetz und das Landarbeitsgesetz 1984 geändert werden (Genossenschaftsrechtsänderungsgesetz 2006 – GenRÄG 2006) Official publication: Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich ( BGBl. ) ; Number: I Nr. 104/2006 23. Amendment to the 1973 Lower Austrian Agricultural Labour Code 23. Novelle der Niederösterreichische Landarbeitsordnung 1973 Official publication: Landesgesetzblatt ( LGBl. ) ; Number: 9020-25 ; Publication date: 2007-04-15 Act amending the Carinthian Agricultural Labour Code 1995 Gesetz, mit dem die Kärntner Landarbeitsordnung 1995 geändert wird Official publication: Landesgesetzblatt ( LGBl. ) ; Number: 30/2007 ; Publication date: 2007-05-11 Act amending the 1990 Vienna Agricultural Labour Code Gesetz, mit dem die Wiener Landarbeitsordnung 1990 geändert wird Official publication: Landesgesetzblatt ( LGBl. ) ; Number: 26/2007 ; Publication date: 2007-06-18 Act of 12 June 2007 amending the Styria Agricultural Labour Code 2001 (5. STLAO Amendment) Gesetz vom 12. Juni 2007, mit dem die Steiermärkische Landarbeitsordnung 2001 geändert wird (5. STLAO-Novelle) Official publication: Landesgesetzblatt ( LGBl. ) ; Number: 73/2007 ; Publication date: 2007-08-31 Law of 10 October 2007 amending the Agricultural Labour Code 2000 Gesetz vom 10. Oktober 2007, mit dem die Landarbeitsordnung 2000 geändert wird Official publication: Landesgesetzblatt ( LGBl. ) ; Number: 75/2007 ; Publication date: 2007-12-11 Provincial Act, with which the Upper Austria. Provincial Labour Regulations 1989, the Upper Austria Chamber of Agricultural Workers Act 1996 and the Upper Austria. Anti-Discrimination Act (Oö. 2007 amendment to the Agricultural Labour Code) Landesgesetz, mit dem die Oö. Landarbeitsordnung 1989, das Oö. Landarbeiterkammergesetz 1996 und das Oö. Antidiskriminierungsgesetz geändert werden (Oö. Landarbeitsordnungs-Novelle 2007) Official publication: Landesgesetzblatt ( LGBl. ) ; Number: 136/2007 ; Publication date: 2007-12-31 Act amending the Burgenland Agricultural Labour Code 1977 Gesetz, mit dem die Burgenländische Landarbeitsordnung 1977 geändert wird Official publication: Landesgesetzblatt ( LGBl. ) ; Number: 9/2008 ; Publication date: 2008-01-14 Amendment of the Agricultural and Forestry Work Equipment Act Gesetz über eine Änderung des Land- und Forstarbeitsgeset Official publication: Landesgesetzblatt ( LGBl. ) ; Number: 12/2008 ; Publication date: 2008-02-14 Law of 13 February 2008 amending the Salzburger Landarbeitsordnung 1995 Gesetz vom 13. Februar 2008, mit dem die Salzburger Landarbeitsordnung 1995 geändert wird Official publication: Landesgesetzblatt ( LGBl. ) ; Number: 37/2008 ; Publication date: 2008-04-30 Act of 1 July 2008, by which the Styria Agricultural Labour Code 2001 (6. STLAO Amendment) and the Styrian Chamber of Agricultural Workers Act (5. LAKG Amendment) Gesetz vom 1. Juli 2008, mit dem die Steiermärkische Landarbeitsordnung 2001 (6. STLAO-Novelle) und das Steiermärkische Landarbeiterkammergesetz (5. LAKG-Novelle) geändert werden Official publication: Landesgesetzblatt ( LGBl. ) ; Number: 85/2008 ; Publication date: 2008-08-27
Poland | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 Law of 22 July 2006 on the European Cooperative Society Ustawa z dnia 22 lipca 2006 r. o spółdzielni europejskiej Official publication: Dziennik Ustaw ; Number: 2006/149/1077 ; Publication date: 2006-08-22
Portugal | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 Council Directive 2003/72/EC of 22 July 2004 supplementing the Statute for a European Cooperative Society with regard to the involvement of employees. Assembleia da República-Transpõe para a ordem jurídica interna a Directiva n.º 2003/72/CE, do Conselho, de 22 de Julho, que completa o Estatuto da Sociedade Cooperativa Europeia no que respeita ao envolvimento dos trabalhadores. Official publication: Diaro da Republica I ; Number: DR n.º 34 ; Publication date: 2008-02-18 ; Page: 01062-01071
Romania | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 Law on the establishment, organisation and functioning of the European Works Council Lege privind constituirea, organizarea şi funcţionarea comitetului european de întreprindere Official publication: Monitorul Oficial al României ; Number: 628 ; Publication date: 2005-07-19 ; Page: 00001-00007 Order amending Law No nr.217/2005 on the establishment, organisation and functioning of the European Works Council Ordonanţă pentru modificarea Legii nr.217/2005 privind constituirea, organizarea şi funcţionarea comitetului european de întreprindere Official publication: Monitorul Oficial al României ; Number: 745 ; Publication date: 2006-08-31 ; Page: 00015-00015 Decision on information, consultation and other arrangements for the involvement of employees in the European Cooperative Society Hotărâre privind procedurile de informare, consultare şi alte modalităţi de implicare a angajaţilor în activitatea societăţii cooperative europene Official publication: Monitorul Oficial al României ; Number: 162 ; Publication date: 2007-03-07 ; Page: 00014-00018 Law No 217/2005 on the establishment, organisation and functioning of the European Works Council, republished Lege nr. 217/2005 privind constituirea, organizarea şi funcţionarea comitetului european de întreprindere, republicată Official publication: Monitorul Oficial al României ; Number: 889 ; Publication date: 2011-12-15 ; Page: 00026-00032
Slovenia | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 Law on employee participation in the management of the European Cooperative Society Zakon o sodelovanju delavcev pri upravljanju evropske zadruge Official publication: Uradni list RS ; Number: 79/2006 ; Publication date: 2006-07-27 ; Page: 08482-08488
Slovakia | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 Act No 433/2003 – Full text of Act No 311/2001 Coll. Labour Code, as resulting from the amendments made by Act No 165/2002, Act No 408/2002, Act No 413/2002 and Act No 210/2003. Zákon č. 433/2003 Z. z. - Úplné znenie zákona č. 311/2001 Z. z. Zákonník práce, ako vyplýva zo zmien a doplnkov vykonaných zákonom č. 165/2002 Z. z., zákonom č. 408/2002 Z. z., zákonom č. 413/2002 Z. z. a zákonom č. 210/2003 Z. z. Official publication: Zbierka zákonov SR ; Number: 189 ; Publication date: 2003-11-08 ; Page: 3290-3346 Act No 91/2007 on the European Cooperative Society Zákon č. 91/2007 Z. z. o európskom družstve Official publication: Zbierka zákonov SR ; Number: 52 ; Publication date: 2007-03-07
Transposition deadline: 18/08/2006 Act No 311/2001 Coll. Labour Code Zákon č. 311/2001 Z. z. Zákonník práce Official publication: Zbierka zákonov SR ; Number: 130 ; Publication date: 2001-08-08 ; Page: 3258–3320 Act No 575/2001 on the organisation of government activities and the central state administration Zákon č. 575/2001 Z. z. o organizácii činnosti vlády a organizácii ústrednej štátnej správy Official publication: Zbierka zákonov SR ; Number: 225 ; Publication date: 2001-12-29 Act No 474/2005 on Slovaks living abroad and amending certain acts Zákon č. 474/2005 Z. z. o Slovákoch žijúcich v zahraničí a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov Official publication: Zbierka zákonov SR ; Number: 190 ; Publication date: 2005-10-26
Finland | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 Lag om ändring av lagen om arbetstagarinflytande i europabolag (663/2006) Laki henkilöstöedustuksesta eurooppayhtiössä (SE) annetun lain muuttamisesta / Lag om ändring av lagen om arbetstagarinflytande i europabolag (663/2006) Official publication: Suomen Saadoskokoelma (SK) ; Number: 663 ; Publication date: 2006-08-02 ; Page: 02041-02050
Sweden | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 Act (2006: 477) on employee involvement in European cooperatives Lag (2006:477) om arbetstagarinflytande i europakooperativ Official publication: Svensk författningssamling (SFS) ; Number: 2006:477 Act amending the European Works Councils Act (1996: 359) Lag om ändring i lagen (1996:359) om europeiska företagsråd Official publication: Svensk författningssamling (SFS) ; Number: 2006:478 Act amending the Act (1987: 1245) on the presentation of directors for private employees Lag om ändring i lagen (1987:1245) om styrelserepresentation för de privatanställda Official publication: Svensk författningssamling (SFS) ; Number: 2006:479
United Kingdom | Transposition deadline: 01/01/1001 The European Cooperative Society (Involvement of Employees) Regulations 2006 (2006 No. 2059) Official publication: Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) ; Number: 0-11-074944-8